Wednesday, April 29, 2009
7:35 PM
the architecture interview was a total BIG mistake.i didn't know what i was saying and i got super embarrassed.Anyway, i am now stuck in the cold corner in my office and i have to say i feel very VERY ill.i want to go home but i do not know how to put across.Why can't i be more straightforward and cool sometimes??tomorrow will be my only hope and invitation to rest. : )
Monday, April 27, 2009
a breather
1:56 AM
phew.finally rest after a crazy day of endless head is swimming real badly.not of euphoria but of drowsiness.Drowsiness from routine and a dosage of flu medicine.anyway this afternoon at twelve pm i promptly opened NUS arch website to see whether i was short listed for the hands went cold and my head swam further.damn not up i went over to hong leong for mailing invites and saw Ting Ju and Weiling!it was so nice to see them after so long..soon after i was back i went back to the website to hands went super cold this time as i saw the link appearing.On instincts, i clicked 29 april and scrolled down.saw See Yee name.YAY! and the moment came went i saw my name.with what was left of my pathetic voice i screamed "oh my god!".seriously thank god for this.i m like a step closer to realising my dreams.there's 180 ppl to be accepted into this course acc to prof tan and i hope i am one of them.
anyway this was what happened on sunday.
a passage from Madame Butterfly.
a theme-Transformations
and they told us to write in our own interpretations what we think about this theme in NO MORE NO LESS THAN 50 WORDS.i was i spent thirty mins doing the essay cos i simply wrote too much.
next up,they asked us to do a drawing on any scale about what we have interpretated.on this lousy piece of A4 copic markers ink went right thru the paper.-.- period.anyway i spend forty five mins to an hour on the damn drawing which was super confusing.i did a city landscape that transitioned from past to modern societies and civilization as well as ppl in diff centuries being mind was on total 'use your instincts' mode so i didnt noe wth i was doing.
with what was left of that pathetic thirty mins i had to construct a hands were shaking,there was no compasses,there was no time to search for anything and i forgot to bring my markers.shit big i made used of what i have and made a super morbid model.i did a human with her eyes closed and a hand over her mouth to depict that she's not divulging anything.then i made holes at what supposed to be pupils and stuff paper strips there to indicate that we can see transformations yet we don't realise or feel the process happening on us.then i made stairs and atime bridge with human feet on it to depict lost intransition.that transformation is like walking up and down to sth new or might be good or bad.but it all boils down to the same subject matter.
so everything linked and i licked up the remaining drops of glue with my card paper and mount it on the red mom stood outside waiting and she was like speechless when she saw my sculpture.why?cause when i looked arnd me,everyone did buildings and chairs or sofas except me.i did a i used french cols when i actually wanted to do pop art.damn my brain for forgetting those markers.
so i pray...weds they will give me a sign of acceptance.and i m still adamant of getting into any universities.
anyways i am heading down to tanjong pagar ltr to look at my c bag before meeting vk to get a ring and a shirt!!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
My wishlist
12:12 AM
i don't know why but after looking at gazillion blogshops i suddenly came out with a wishlist!:
1. nice coloured Waves (i shan't cheat anyone anymore.this time it will be REAL hair)
2. Chanel bag (i hope my dad gets it for me when he returns)
3. SHOES (GoJane anyone??)
4. Longchamp bag pack! (still thinking...)
5. clothes.MORE clothes (i realise i only repeat my dresses only once or never??tsk tsk tsk)
6. a new mp3 player
7. personal time
8. a real getaway.(no handphones and no one except u n me)
9. a confirmation letter from ntu or nus
10. a night out at dempsey road/timbre.
super long right??haha..i manage to squeeze out all these.. and everyday i stare into the mirror i can't believe how many
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
sarcasm overload
8:41 PM
hmm.end of this month as i opened my bank acc i will see how things go..this job is making my life less colourful than expected :)
I went through the news awhile ago and equipped myself with all the knowledge that i am supposed to know about singapore architecture and the world.will be meeting GML for lunch ltr at lps.
Anyway, as i browsed through the electric newspaper(its mainly tabloid so i don't rly bother reading it) i came across an article about a hit and run incident.i clicked on the link and the first word i saw was "maltese". isn't this article supposed to be about human? i scan through the article, my emotions took a ride. curious -> shocked -> gorified. the article was under a hot pick session and it was all about a dog being run down and how upset the owner felt?like WOW how interesting and eventful things can get around here. Yesterday i came across Kinque's blog and we were discussing how a small fire outbreak can cause a major hoo-ha in singapore.Imagine arsons breaking out in every miniscule town.imagine explosions for real.What will you do?will you run over to join in the crowd or publicise it on newspaper or will you run for your life and warn others?i guess everyone will not do the latter.and the news will just continue running and profitting from squeezes that barely reflect anything major in the public.that's how boring singapore can get.u go on the mrt, walk to work, type type type click click click and take the mrt again go for dinner then sleep.everyday is the same day.will u bother checking the calendar?will u go for a late night party?will the news ever publish political rifes and censored stuff other than the usual house fires and murders?well i doubt it cos its so CONTAINED over here.
back to the routine.goodbye.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
9:27 PM
i got my 78v2 makeup palette yest!!yay!i will reviewing soon since i haven't gt a chance to really try it yet.BUT the colours are seriously super pretty!!!ANYWAY this morning i went to take my basic theory test and as i saw the first question i was dumbfounded.cos aft countless e-trials they did not test me on reversing blah blah so i didn't study that part.wrong prediction.failed once again.and will nt ever underestimate CDC ever again.I felt super upset and ended up walking in the rain for the second time.why does it always have to rain when i am down and alone??i just don't feel like talking throughout the whole journey and depression just seems to ooze out from me.i hate life now.i hate how disgustingly screwed my life is now.I REALLY hope architecture or some uni will confirm a slot for me never felt so shitty before and i must reflect not tell me that i am unlucky for i have been facing the downside of luck in recent years to come.i am just upset.
Friday, April 17, 2009
the beginning
10:54 AM

we went to PS,went to Nat'l library (sry my fault), went to the new bugis shopping mall which i don't know what's the name.and then at night we had a nice dinner at The Secret Garden.The cafe was nice,food was nice and white wine was nice (it taste like the champagne rose i drank at the Attica though :) ) I had seafood in cajun sauce.Hmm, being a prawn lover i would say that the prawns are rly LITTLE inside that plate but the svc was great and the ambience kinda stretch my appetite further.: ) I WANT THE PRIVATE CORNER the next time!I'll probably bring u girls along next time to have a romantic candlelit dinner!!Finally he popped the qns and i was like W-O-W for the umpteenth time.I seriously don't know when i will ever be really surprised or serious about stuff other than work and birthdays.oh are the picts!!
*p.s half of GEKKA went to visit z.y at bakerzin and I'm seriously happy to see u girl again:)its like nth has ever changed between us!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
bliss n boredom
7:12 PM
I am doing nothing in my office again...khema's on MC and vanessa is off for coffee break...well everything is screwed here and i am bored.there's nothing to do and when it's busy i can really go crazy with the routinal lifestyle.ironical huh??
SO i look forward to my time after work,my pitiful one hr lunch break and my internet on the computer.
and YES i know you guys want to kill me for complaining about being free and yet still receive money for playing online games.
BUT i can't help it!office ladies are really boring ppl who find fun in little nothings and gossips.
I miss my mahjong, my boy and the tons of appointments i have to fufil.Fucking busy and now i have nothing to do and i can't leave.Shit.
Lovelies out there pls bear with me and be understanding for i can't attend to everyone needs at the same time..i am rly sorry ppl...
cheris :)
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
11:40 PM
let me emphasize how i am feeling right now in the officeBORED.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
SMU interview!
7:55 AM
went to smu interview today.screwed it up.and totally fucking sad bout it cos i never felt so tongue tied before in my life...This guy called Jun Kai frm SMU Sch of Accountancy added me and claimed that he will tell Vincent bout me etc etc...I don't know why but it kinda hit me...i didn't want to hear anything about Vincent anymore..Anw yesterday as i walked home with Angel i was telling her about my insecurites.i guess Vincent rly made things more worst for me then i have expected..we then agreed to start Operation Security after we enter Uni or I will forever stay as a nun or worst, a spinster...HA.Pauline msged me that clubbing was cancelled due to overwhelming charges.It was kinda relief cos past incidences really deter me but REALLY SORRY PENGUIN i will bring you there SOON k??u can come my hse and get as many clothes as you like!!
*will upload pics of me on sun!!:D
and my answer would be none
Friday, April 03, 2009
yay day
6:41 AM
I've got a job at KPMG!!woohoo!!and SMU called me early in the morn!YAY!things are looking gd at the moment and QF is treating me to timbre next wk!we are going to drink till we drop!YAY!!i m going to take a bet and join music story for the dance lessons...:D
6:29 AM
i have two choices in front of me right now.who should i choose???